


Environmental issues have always been at the heart of my concerns. So when the opportunity to implement solutions in line with these concerns came up seven years ago, I created OELIATEC.
Engineer of training and trade, I could note in the frame of my past activity the cruel lack of existing solutions in the field of ecological weeding.
Houat, Hoëdic, Belle-Île… Out machines all bear the name of Brittany’s islands. Beyond its wish to act in favour of the environment, OELIATEC is a company deeply attached to its Brittany’s roots. Made in Brittany is the essence of our brand. We would never have been able to achieve this result without the association of people from the region: partners, technicians or distributors.
It is our way to salute the men and the territory for which and with which we have been working since the beginning of this adventure.
Jean-Pierre Barre, founder and manager of OELIATEC
When created in 1922, Ateliers RIPPES first specialised in the design of welding equipment but then gradually acquired a significant amount of knowledge applicable to gas-operated equipment.
In 1975, when heat-shrinkable plastics appeared, the company developed a gun powered by LPG or natural gas to shrink packaging covers produced using this new material. The RIPACK brand was created as a result.
The patented “cold nozzle” technology which removes any risk of burning through contact enabled RIPACK to become the world leader in this market.
The quality of the flame and the safety of the products, which proved to be a tremendous success in the market, is applicable to other applications such as plastic trimming or flaming, road marking and thermal weed control.
The “Labbé” law passed on 8 February 2014 which prohibited the use of phytosanitary products under certain conditions by public entities and individuals naturally led the company to put forward an innovative thermal weeding solution by creating a dedicated division called “RIPAGREEN®”.
Forever investing in research and development, RIPACK guarantees to provide its users with innovative products suited to their applications.
InfraWeeder is suitable for controlling weeds and wild growth such as permanent paving and cobblestone surfaces, stone ash surfaces, seamless courtyards, gravel roads, terraces, parking lots, parks and sports areas, etc.
InfraWeeder rikkakasvien torjuntalaite perustuu kaasulla toimivaan keraamiseen
poltinelementtiin. Voimakas infrapunasäteily osuu kohdistetusti rikkakasveihin
ja ilmassa leviäviin siemeniin, aiheuttaa niiden proteiinisolujen hajoamisen ja
käynnistää heti kasvin kuihtumisen. Tämän voi havaita siitä, että käsitellyt
rikkakasvit muuttuvat tummanvihreiksi. Lehtiä ei tarvitse kuumentaa mustiksi